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September 16, 2010

at the National Conference on Citizenship

I am in DC for the National Conference on Citizenship's annual meeting and some related events. It has been a long day and I cannot reflect adequately on all that has happened, but here are some highlights.

In partnership with the Corporation for National and Community Service and the Census, the NCoC is releasing the first annual National Civic Health Assessment. This is the lineal descendant of the Index of National Civic Health (INCH) and the the Civic Health Index, both of which I worked on with many colleagues. But the CHA is based on a national Census survey and is therefore the best data yet.

Today's pre-conference was a series of panels and speeches: very rich and interesting. The Twitter feed (#ncoc) gives a flavor.

Splashlife was publicly launched. That's an impressive new social network the provides incentives for volunteering, organizing, and activism. The young people who built it announced it at NCoC in a creative way. Dressed as waiters and other characters who had infiltrated the audience, they pretended to interrupt a speaker (their colleague) who was giving a PowerPoint presentation about the Millennials. It was all theater and very nicely done.

September 16, 2010 10:18 PM | category: none



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