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February 29, 2008

testing, testing

(Cambridge, MA) I have spent the last two days reviewing, editing, and occasionally creating test items for the National Assessment in Education Progress (NAEP) in Civics, which will be given to a large and representative sample of American students next year. The NAEP is an evaluation of our school systems, not of our kids--no scores are calculated for individual students. I am on the NAEP's "background variables" committee (which choses demographic measures) as well as its Civics committee. Producing questions for a civics test raises all kinds of interesting issues: moral, methodological, statistical, developmental, factual, political, and practical. However, I am somewhat constrained by test secrecy--and very mentally tired--so I'm not going to be able to comment tonight.

February 29, 2008 9:09 PM | category: none


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